Crystal Calhoun

Crystal Calhoun, M.S.
Founder, Educational Advocate, Certified School Psychologist & Behavior Analyst

Union City, GA 30291 (Location)
404-692-4334 (Office) (Email) (Website) (Facebook) (Twitter) (Linkedin)

"We have your child's best interest at HEART & SOUL"

Thursday, June 11, 2015

God's Word Will Give You Strength When Your Weak From Adversity!

Sharing a life lesson learned: Trusting God is easy when life is going smoothly but difficult when adversity attacks. Don't be discouraged or faint in the day of adversity. Instead, take hold of the word of God (read it, speak it, believe it) and feel your strength grow as you develop confidence in his word. God will change your situation and perform miracles in your life. Decide...who and what you believe. This is how your future is determined.

My Testimony, Hearing God's Voice.

I know God's voice now! He starts with a still small voice that whispers in your ear. Another way to tell if it's God speaking to you is if the message your hearing lines up with his word. For example, God is not going to tell you that a particular man who's married is suppose to be your husband b/c he already has a wife and that doesn't line up with his word. Also, most of the messages I hear from God don't make sense, they make faith.

For instance, in 2008 I was working as a School Psychologist for a school district here in Georgia and I felt like that job was killing my spirit, soul and body while my supervisor was trying to destroy me. I was sick all the time, depressed, stressed and in constant fear of reprimands. I was taking work home every night, not able to give time and attention to my own kids, losing my passion for my career choice b/c I wasn't making a difference in nobody's life anymore and angry over my circumstances which caused me to be easily irritated by my kids daily. I addition, I felt trapped b/c I needed the income this job offered in order to pay my mortgage, car note, etc., uncertain over my future, depleted, helpless, and utterly alone. However, all that year while I was enduring my tormenting situation I kept hearing a still small voice whispering in my ear, "This job is not your source, I am".

I knew God was talking to me but what he was saying didn't make sense in the natural so I kept ignoring it. Until one day I reached my breaking point and I walked away from that job without warning. Now mind you, God was also revealing my purpose to me during this ordeal. So I was working on those plans and thinking that once I get everything together by the end of the school year, I can quit and start on the path that God was showing me. How many of you know that God doesn't march to your beat?

Well if everything would have worked out the way I planned I never would have truly known that God was my source. I would have been relying on myself as usual. Instead, God took me away from that job when I didn't have any other options except to depend completely on him. That is when he showed me that he was and is my source. I have not had a real job since then, and yet God has taken care of me and my boys. In the natural realm I should have lost everything, my home, car, etc., but God has sustained me through it all! I still have my home, my car, and my standard of living has remained virtually the same, my boys are still involved in sports and everything.

I was actually struggling to pay my bills when I was working, but when God became my only source he took care of me and my boys better than I or any man ever could. I can't even explain how I survived, and on top of that I now own and operate not one, but two businesses (Heart & Soul Advocacy and Platinum Panties). I'm a living testimony that God is real yall! Trust and believe in his word b/c when you can't depend on anyone or anything, you can depend on him. My education, degrees, certifications, training, work experience, personality, looks and even who I knew couldn’t and wasn’t helping me obtain or maintain anything. I felt like all of my worldly accomplishments and attributes had been stripped away from me. I was naked in the hands of God, but I’m here to tell you that there is no safer place to be. Depending on God to that degree when I can’t see or touch him was especially tough and scary b/c I was responsible for two children who were completely dependent on me.

This experience has developed me spiritually, strengthen my relationship with the lord and elevated my faith to a whole new level. The fact that my boys witnessed this, prayed and read the word with me through it all has molded them too. They know how to pray and seek his word the way I do and that alone is the greatest gift I could ever instill in them. I would go through all that pain again to be at this place in my walk with God b/c I now know the power that I have with him and his word.

Now, all this year the message he's been telling me is, "The answer to everything you need is in my word". Basically, what he's telling me is that when I don't know what to do or I find myself in trouble or need help, go straight to his word/the bible. Don't call my mom or friends for help and advice, go to his word first and he will guide me b/c he is where my help comes from.

Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention is that God will confirm the word he is speaking into your life through other sources. I always receive confirmation through my pastor, the word of God/bible, other people or events in my life. I know this message was long, but I hope it helped someone like me to know the voice of the lord.

Blessed to be a blessing,
Crystal Calhoun